Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906)

Henrik Ibsen was a major Norwegian playwright of the late 19th century.  It is considered that he introduced a new order of moral analysis that was placed against a realistic middle-class background and developed with an economy of action, penetrating dialogue, and rigorous thought. Ibsen was in the forefront of those early modern authors who one could refer to as the great disturbers; including Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, and William Blake.

Adams, Robert M. 'Henrik IbsenEncyclopedia Britannica.

Library Resources
AV Resources
Web Resources

Library Resources

On the shelves

Criticism and interpretation:

Study notes


Templeton, Joan. "The Doll House Backlash: Criticism, Feminism, and Ibsen.PMLA, 104.1, 1989, 28–40.

AV Resources

Web Resources

Online study notes


Criticism and interpretation

  • 'Adaptations of Henrik Ibsen' 2015, ABC RN: Books and Arts - Download audio [15:15]
  • Henrik Ibsen - Multiple resources from the archives of The New York Times - includes criticism, reviews and interpretation
  • Wagner, Erica, 2014, 'Mind out of time: what Ibsen can tell us about today', New Statesman, 24 September

A Doll's House


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