Laudato Si’ in Action - Year 8 MVPS

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Laudato Si’ in Action - Year 8 MVPS

In 2015, Pope Francis released the encyclical, or open letter, titled Laudato si' (Praise Be to You). The subtitle or theme of the encyclical was "on care for our common home" and focused on the need to look after each other and the planet we live on. Topics that were focused on include economics and consumerism, environmentalism, poverty, science and modernism, sustainability, and technology. The encyclical was a global call to action for us all to work towards a better world.

Pope Francis 2015, Encyclical Letter Laudato Si' of the Holy Father Francis on Care for our Common Home, Vatican.

Year 8 students are asked to select one contemporary social justice issue that is highlighted in Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’, and create an initiative that responds to this issue in the school or local community. The initiative needs to be presented in a way that responds to the driving question: 

How can you live Laudato Si’ in your school or local community? 

Climate Change
Quality of Life
Disaster Risks

Climate Change

Pollution and Climate Change

Focus areas include pollution, climate change, recycling, landcare.

Library resources

On the shelves

AV resources

Web resources

Examples of existing initiatives


The Issue of Water

Focus areas include access to water, water quality, sustainability.

Library resources

On the shelves

AV resources

Web resources

Examples of existing initiatives


Loss of Biodiversity

Focus areas include endangered species, loss of habitat, impact of livestock.

Library resources

On the shelves

AV resources

Web resources

Examples of existing initiatives

Quality of Life

Issues Relating to Quality of Life and Societal Problems

Focus areas include poverty, access to healthcare and/or education, homelessness, food inequality, racism.

Library resources

On the shelves

AV resources

Web resources

Examples of existing initiatives


The Issue of Consumption of Resources

Includes the consumption and over-consumption of resources, and discussion around the drivers of this, including capitalism.

Library resources

On the shelves

AV resources


Web resources

Examples of existing initiatives

Disaster Risks

Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation

Focus areas include risk reduction strategies, disaster planning, support for relief agencies.

Library resources

On the shelves


AV resources

Web resources

Examples of existing initiatives