English Poets

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Eliot, T. S. (1888-1965)

Thomas Stearns Elliot is considered to be a major figure in English literature. Born in St Louis, Missouri, he settled in England in 1914 and became a British subject in 1927. At Harvard University he studied to become a philosopher. However, his interests and vast reading of religion and anthropology as well as Elizabethan poets and the latest French imagists, left him writing a completely new kind of English poetry.

Payne, Tom. "T.S. Eliot." A-Z of Great Writers, Carlton Books, 1997.

Between the idea

And the reality

Between the motion

And the act

Falls the shadow

The Hollow Man, 1925

Library Resources
Web Resources

Library Resources

On the shelves

Poetry titles found in the Library

  • Selected Poems (1961/1970) - This selection, which was made by Eliot himself, is intended as an introduction to the main body of his poetry, prior to Four Quartets. - On our shelves at 821.912 ELI

Commentary and criticism of the poems

General interpretation and criticism of T.S. Eliot



  • Catching life by the throat: how to read poetry and why, poems from eight great poets by Josephine Hart. As well as introduction to Eliot you can also listen to Ian McDiarmid and Helen McCrory reading 'The Hollow Man' and Edward Fox read 'The Waste Land II' and A'Game of Chess' on the accompanying CD-ROM.

Plays on our shelves

Study notes


Web Resources

Online study notes





  • T.S.. Eliot: beyond commentary / presented by Claire Armistead with Jim Crace. Jim Crace puts the Nobel laureate's poetical works through the winger and assess the stature of the modernist master [16:10] - Available to download from The Guardian.