Art Galleries

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Art Galleries

This pathfinder is to help you locate material and images from a range of Australian and international art galleries. Please ensure you read the conditions of use for any of these institutions if you want to use their images in any of your folios or assignments.

Library Resources
National Galleries
Australian Galleries

National Galleries

National Portrait Gallery

Video Channel: YouTube


National Portrait Gallery

Video Channel: YouTube


Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Video Channel: YouTube

United States

Museum Websites: New York |Venice | Bilbao | Abu Dhabi
Video Channel: Guggenheim

The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York
Museum Website: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Video Channel: YouTube
The Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art has released a vast archive of 400,000 ( that you can download and use for non-commercial purposes.) For more information you can read conditions of use. Other images can be found from their extensive collections.

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York
Museum Website: MoMA
Video Channel: MoMA Multimedia

Indianapolis Museum of Art
Museum Website: Indianapolis Museum of Art (Newfields)
Video Channel: Art Bubble | YouTube

Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery
Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery - United StatesVideo Channel: YouTube


Kunsthistorisches Museum Wein
Museum Website: Kusthistoisches Museum,Vienna

Musee D'Orsay
Museum Website: Musee D'Orsay, Paris
Video Channel: YouTube

Musee Du Louvre
Museum Website: Louvre Museum, Paris 

Video Channel: Video & Apps

Museo Nacional Del Prado
Museum Website: Museo Nacional Del Prado, Spain

Video Channel: YouTube

Uffizi Gallery

Uffizi gallery, Florence


Royal Academy of the Arts

Royal Academy of Arts - London

Museum Websites: Tate Britain |Tate Modern | Tate Liverpool | Tate St Ives
Video Channel: Channel| YouTube
Reference Book: The Tate Guide to Modern Art Terms

Referencing advice: The TASC and your teachers at St Patrick's College expect you to present your work with citations and a reference list in the Harvard (author/date) format. Go to the Library's Referencing Guidelines for extended help in this area. The Library staff are always happy to help you with any queries you may have in regard to referencing requirements for any research you are undertaking.

If you are lucky enough to visit the Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart there are additional guidelines you will be required to use when referencing material from their O-device. Please ask at the Library or your teacher for help.

Faculty resources: All material purchased by teachers in the visual arts is also available for student use if it is not required by teachers. Many of these resources are inter-shelved with the Library material and may be found by using the Library catalogue.

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