Social Justice and Injustice in Australia - Year 10 MVPS

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Social and Environmental Accounting

'In recent years there has been a marked resurgence of interest in the areas of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the social and environmental accounting (SEA) among business, governments, public policymakers, investors, unions, environmentalists and others.'

Brown, J & Fraser, M 2006, 'Approaches and perspectives in social and environmental accounting: an overview of the conceptual landscape', Business strategy and the enviornment, 15, DOI 10.1002/bse.452, pp. 103-117

Library Resources
Web Resources

Library Resources


Web Resources

  • Australian Human Rights Commission. Look at the special section devoted to Business and Human Rights.
  • Global Reporting Initiative. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-profit organization that promotes economic, environmental and social sustainability. GRI provides all companies and organizations with a comprehensive sustainability reporting framework that is widely used around the world.
  • The Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability. A4S is working to drive linkages between the processes to develop better performance metrics at the global, national and corporate level to create a coherent framework for accounting for sustainability.