Sustainable food has been grown or produced with consideration of its health, environmental and social impact. As with all sustainable shopping, this includes where the food was made, the materials it was made from, how it is packaged and any energy efficiency or environmental ratings.
Shop Sustainability 2022, Sustainability Victoria, retrieved 17 February 2023, https://www.sustainability.vic...
Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations 2003, 'Food security: concepts and measurements', Trace Reforms and Food Security, retrieved 17 February 2023,
It is estimated by the Australian International Food Security Centre that there are now one in nine people in the world, that is over 800 million people, who go hungry everyday. More than half of these people are small farmers and their families, who rely on their farms both to feed themselves and also earn them additional funds. Australia is well placed to help contribute to improving food security in developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Pacific by sharing its expertise in agricultural research. This is important as improving agriculture is one of the main ways to ensure or to improve food security.
Food security and why it matters 2014, AIFSRC, retrieved 17 February 2023,