World Authors

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Roy, Arundhati (1961-)

Suzanna Arundhati Roy was born in 1961 and grew up in Ayemenem in the state of Kerala, India.  She is an author, actress, and political activist who was best known for the award-winning novel The God of Small Things (1997) and for her involvement in environmental and human rights causes. Her environmental and human right causes have often put her at odds with Indian legal authorities and the country's middle-class establishment.

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This is an abridged version of an essay by Shona Chaudhury, first published in The New Internationalist.

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Online Study Notes

Book reviews

Capitalism: a ghost story

The God of Small things

The Ministry of utmost happiness




  • Man Booker Prize  (1997) awarded for the novel The God of Small things
  • Sydney Peace Prize 2004: Arundhati Roy was recognized for her courage in campaigns for human rights and for her advocacy of non-violence, as expressed in her demands for justice for the poor, for the victims of communal violence, for the millions displaced by the Narmada dam projects and by her opposition to nuclear weapons.  You are able to download her Sydney Peace Prize lecture Peace: the new corporate liberation theology