Web Resources
Podcasts & Videos
Ensure you read any copyright or online access requirements if you intend to use to any material and/or images found on these sites.
Artbabble. ArtBabble is a website that showcases high quality art-related video content from more than 50 cultural institutions from around the world. Created in 2009, the website was conceived, designed, programmed, and launched by a cross-departmental collection of individuals at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.
Guggenheim Video channel
MoMA Multimedia.
Tate Channel Tune in to Tate Channel to watch our latest videos, from interviews with artists to experimental artist commissions.
Please make sure you read and understand the conditions of use in regard to any images you may find on these sites.
General Art
The Google Art Project. This is an online platform that allows you to view high-resolution or gigabpixel images of artworks from anywhere in the world. The images can show brushwork details that are not visible to the human eye.
MoMA Learning - Browse by themes. Some links appear in movements listed below.
Themes or Movements
19th Century:
Romanticism from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Includes a thematic essay and examples of work from this period.
Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century Art - From the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Pre-Raphaelitism from the National Gallery of Art. This is includes a series of audio/visual presentations that accompanied an exhibition at the NGA, London.
Realism (or Naturalism) - Nineteenth-Century French Realism - From the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Impressionism - A Guide to Impressionism from the National Gallery, London.
Neo-Impressionism - Radiance: The Neo-Impressionists from the National Gallery of Victoria
Post-Impressionism - from The Metropolitian Museum of Art. Includes a thematic essay and examples of work from this period.
Secessionism - TATE.
Symbolism - The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
20th Century:
Modernism - MoMA: What is Modern Art?
Fauvism - MoMA: Fauvism. Meet the "wild beasts" of the early twentieth century art world
Primitivism - From the Guggenheim
Expressionism - From the Tate
Cubism - From 'The Art Story'
Futurism - From the Tate
Dadism - From MoMA Learning: World War I and Dada
Neo-Pop Art - From The Art History Archive
Pop Art - From MoMa Learning
Surrealism - Australian surrealism from the NGV. Surrealism from The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Social realism - From MoMA
Post Modernism - Late 20th Century:
Abstract expressionism - From MoMA Learning - Also from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Colour-field painting - From 'The Art Story'
Conceptual art - From MoMA Learning
Lyrical Abstraction - From Art Insight
Minimalism - From 'The Art Story'
Massurrealist Art - From The Museum for Massurrealist Art
Neo-Conceptualism - From The Guggenheim
Neo-Expressionism - From The Guggenheim
Post-modernism - From the Victoria & Albert Museum.
Stuckism - From StuckISM International
Superflat - What is superflat art? From Art Radar